- Add Bruto, Neto and VAT information to the Invoice report. If you want to send your client report information about the services you completed and also insert additional taxes on those services, you can do that by enabling it in the invoice settings. Go to create the invoice or an estimate for the client. Add the needed timesheets or other services and press the prepare button. You generated an invoice or an estimate. On the invoice page, you can select to see only the Report page. Press the

- Create recurring events and tasks in Amberlo. Now, while creating a task or event in Amberlo, you can select the automatic recurring. Press create task or event. The creation of both looks the same. You can even change the type (1) to change the option of which one you need, Then fill in the required information as the category, task title, description, who needs to do the task and relate to a company or matter to which this task is required. After filling out the needed information, press on the recurrence window (2) and select the recurring period.
In this example, I pressed the weekly. You will see an extra option to select on which day the task should appear and whether you want to have it every week or every second week. You can also mark the end of the recurring tasks/events. After everything is marked, press save.
- Client ID can be added to the Matter numbering ID. This will help you connect and search your clients better in the system. To create or change the matter numbering formula, go to Account settings (1), select matter category (2), select numbering (3), then add new or correct the old numbering formula by inserting the code client_id (4). This example formula has the word Case, then the year of the matter creation, then the client ID, and at the end, an extra number to help create several matters for one client. You can see the example (5) of how the formula will look like. Below, marked by orange, you can find all the codes for the formula creation. Press save after everything is filled. When you create a new matter, it will take the client ID number already created in Amberlo and insert it into your matter formula, as in the picture below. In this example, the client id is 00242.
- Search by phone number is possible in Amberlo. Now, you can insert the phone number in the search, and the system will show you the contact or company to which this number is added.
We hope this will help you to start using it smoothly. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us via support@amberlo.io. We are always happy to hear from you!