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  2. Working with Bills

How to display all amounts not only in the Invoice currency but also in the Account currency?

Did you issue an Invoice in a currency other than the account currency? You can select to show both currencies (invoice currency and account currency) for all sums. Follow these easy steps: 

  1. Go to the Bills module and open a Bill.

Bills module-invoice

  1. Press the button [settings]  image-png-May-03-2023-02-30-26-9875-PM to access the bill settings:

Invoice template 1

  1. Mark the checkbox "Show all amounts in portfolio currency".
  2. Click the button [Save]:

Invoice template 2

Amberlo will display all sums in account and bill currencies:

Invoice template 3


We hope this will help you to start using it smoothly. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us via support@amberlo.io. We are always happy to hear from you!